WhirlWindMatriXEx-Watcher |
Starshineex-Wife to NightCloud |
NightCloudex-Husband of Starshine |
*Maya*Co- owner of the Cathedral |
GrimmCompanion of NightCloud |
Moonlight and SunriseTwins, and eldest children of NightCloud and Starshine |
DestinyFigurehead ruler of the KOD |
GwenevereCompanion of Delphiluna |
DelphilunaCompanion of Gwenevere |
Goddess Trinity
Goddess of the Autumn Equinox |
Asmodel AngelFormer leader of the alpha battalion of heaven. |
Sire of Starshine and NightCloud |
Last of the Minatour royal family |
Angel--FireGoddess of Spring |
Aurora DawnGoddess of Healing
April RaineYoung Mere Mortal |
Lady Atti RendWife of Lord Rend |
Wyndon's Bio
Silver Rage's Bio
Daulton's Bio
Baby Rend's Bio
Lady Arianna Raine's Bio
Antho's Bio